Here's a quickie post. I've also taken another crack at the Conte City desktop (1600 x 1200). Enjoy!
edit 1: I don't konw why you can't click on the pictures. I'll take another crack at it later on tonight. I tried something and it didn't quite work. I will try again.
edit 2: The desktops are based on sketches that I've scanned in and photoshopped.
edit 3: Yay, got it working!
hi Nash! I apologize for the long delay getting here. (Actually, I came about 3 days ago and was writing a comment, but somehow, I accidentally deleted it before I hit publish).
I really enjoy your newest conte drawing! It's like the nighttime version of the previous, and a little more mysterious if you ask me. Love the rich rust color of the buildings!
One of my favorites from your previous drawings is "Matchstick", and I also really like this latest squares piece. Your artwork reminds me of my friend over at Oil Covered Hands. Abstracted forms with soft gradation of values - you both seem to work this way, like the avocado piece. Are you a painter? If you haven't tried, maybe you'd like it. Seems like you see forms, shadow shapes and textures. In fact, I can imagine many of these sketches turning into beautiful paintings. Here are a few links for you (sorry about not directly linking these - I'm not so good with the code and always seem to screw that up):
A great way to network with more artists can be through illustration friday - you can do a drawing for a new topic every week, and enter your link. A lot of people post their art there, and many will give you feedback on what you've submitted too. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for the comments Ester! I had a crappy day today so they made me feel better.
My latest conte though was tweaked and recomposed in photoshop. If you notice it's the same city block repeated.
something 'complete'. I'm trying to teach myself some patience.
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