Monday, August 20, 2007

Illustration Friday - Captain

Here's my entry for Captain. I think his hat is too small to be a ship's captain, so lets say he's a Spanish Conquistador Captain! I think he's sad because he's lost all his men.

I'm feeling OK with this one. I wanted to do something in Photoshop again and not have it look like my 10 year old niece's work. I think I had a major art block for about two weeks.

As always, take a look around my site by clicking on the header, and comments are always appreciated.


Focus_ret said...

I like it. It is simple and expressive.

Paul Bommer said...

i also think he's great
a little melancholic perhaps
a captain's lot is not a happy one

love the chuck jones quote too
so true
its what blogging illos is all about